With easy Baggage

Mit leichtem Gepäck

Mit Leichtem Gepäck


Status: Released

Genre: Documentary series

Duration: 51 x 6 min.


Concept / directors / writers: Claudius Beutler, Till Moses Kammertöns, Marie Elisa Scheidt & John Koster

Composers: Aidan Baker, Christian Schlumpf, Michael Duss, Martin Skalsky

Production: Adrian Hermann

Producer: DAvid Lindner Leporda


Production company: Filmallee

Co-producers: Bayerischrer Rundfunk, HFF München

Funding: Freunde der HFF München

Production country: Germany


Watch at: www.mitleichtemgepaeck.de


Over 9 months traveling around the world. Different countries, different stories and just one goal. Freedom. But what kind of freedom can we find and what is the meaning of freedom in other parts of the world?

Together with ELISA and JOHN we are going to find the answer for this question and much more. We are going to meet a lot of people who will tell us their stories, while we will learn more about their cultures and discover how it feels to simply drift along.

Without knowing where to sleep the next night, or what tomorrow brings, they set off on their journey from Berlin to the south. At first Europe, then Africa, Asia and finally America. From desert landscapes and idyllic tropical islands, through the rainforest to endless train tracks that run through the entire American continent – and the camera always by their side.