The Return


Status: Development

Genre: Drama

Duration: 90 min.

Writer: Michael Grudsky

Producers: Nina Poschinkski, Markus Kaatsch, DAvid Lindner Leporda

Production company: Zeitgeist Filmproduktion, Filmallee GmbH

Funding: FFF Bayern 

Production countries: Germany




THE RETURN tells the story of HELENA and ANDREJ, two Russian Jews from the former Soviet Union who habe been living in Germany for many years. While Helena has been able to integrate well into German society, both professionally and culturally, Andrej, a former practising surgeon, has never really arrived. After the sudden death of his father, he approaches Orthodox Judaism in search of his own roots and comes into conflict with the cosmopolitan Helena and the two children they have together. On the ruins of their „old life“, the characters must finally ask themselves the question of their true identity, yet strive not to lose each other.